Cosmetics Surgeon for Fat Transfer in Islamabad


Fat Transfer in Facial Treatment

With the developing age face and different pieces of the body loses fat. Indented cheeks make the face look more seasoned and ugly. In such case Fat Transfer in Islamabad is the best option in contrast to non-careful techniques like jawline and cheek increase to recover required volume for your excellent face.

What is Fat Transfer Treatment?

Fat exchange (otherwise called fat uniting) is a strategy that incorporates reaping of fat cells from various pieces of the body and after purging, infusing them into the area that is intended to be dealt with. This is done to reestablish alluring forms to your cheeks, jaw, stunning, under-eye region, and to add volume to your lips. 

The strategy of Fat Transfer Treatment

1. Fat Collection

The initial step is to gather fat from the contributor region of the body known as collecting. Contributor regions incorporate pieces of the body with over-the-top fat like mid-region, backside, external thighs, average locales of the knee and arm, and so on Fat cells are taken out from this region with no harm to the area, as a rule by means of Liposuction medical procedure.

2. Fat Purification

After the necessary measure of fat is gotten, the fat goes through a filtration cycle to eliminate debasements. The method incorporates the utilization of a rotator to turn the fat at a high velocity. This is finished isolating the fat cells from the fluid. Harm fat cells are then isolated and disposed of while intact and entire fat cells are utilized for treatment.

3. Fat Injection

The beneficiary region of the face which is intended to get the unite is then ready. Cleansed fat is infused into the essential regions with the assistance of a hypodermic needle. The needle is embedded and passed all through the areas to be united on various occasions so that a line of greasy tissue is painstakingly kept in regular fat of the area. 

Advantages of Fat Transfer Treatment

Adaptable and dependable results


Eliminates undesirable fat

Normal appearance

Safe - no gamble of an unfriendly hypersensitive response

No vacation after treatment

No scars because of treatment

Torment free system because of nearby sedation

Reestablishes facial volume

Gives young facial shape

Conceals facial scars

Fills skin inflammation scars

Gives regular shape and shine

Insignificantly intrusive treatment


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