Platelet Rich Plasma for Hair Loss

What is PRP?

PRP represents Platelet Rich Plasma treatment. Plasma is a part of the blood which is loaded with mending and development factors. When applied to areas of going bald, it fortifies follicles and increments the quality and thickness of the current hair. Further, it can regrow hair. The platelets and development factors are gathered from the patient's own blood and afterward infused into the scalp. The development platelets and development factors animate the hair follicle to dial back balding and regrow hair. At first, we suggest a course of 4 month to month meetings and afterward 1-4 medicines each year for upkeep. Results are normally noticeable following 3 months

Who is qualified for PRP?

As we utilize your own personal blood is PRP Treatment in Islamabad, it is a protected and regular system and most patients can have the strategy. During an interview, the PRP expert will evaluate on the off chance that you are a reasonable contender for PRP treatment and we'll address any inquiries you might have with respect to the strategy. Whenever required or you need to we can set up a meeting with one of the specialists to examine further exhaustively.

What is the course of PRP treatment?

A little volume of blood is drawn and treated in a particular machine. During this, the plasma containing the platelets and other development variables will isolate from the red platelets. The uncovered or diminishing region is anesthetized and the PRP is infused into the skin to initiate the hair follicle.

Clinical hair rebuilding

PRP is important for our exhaustive clinical hair rebuilding convention where balding is controlled and regrowth is created through different means.

PRP treatment for men

The Platelet Rich Plasma treatment is reasonable for men that can animate hair follicles to develop. An ideal treatment for men are encountering male example hairlessness. The methodology is additionally used to treat androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata and different kinds of going bald.

PRP treatment for ladies

PRP is wealthy in development factor that adds to hair development when applied to the scalp. The treatment is appropriate for ladies who are encountering hair diminishing and female example hairlessness. The technique is protected and is for quite some time utilized by orthopaedists to advance recuperating and development of ligaments.


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