What's Subcision for Acne Scars?
Your awkward teenage times may be long behind you, but a regard in the glass can show you that the acne, braces, and blue eyeshadow may be gone, but the acne scars remain.
You may be asking yourself, what's subcision? Will it remove my acne scars? Is it a one- time or nonstop treatment?
These are all common questions and this composition will help explain everything you need to know about subcision for acne scars.
Subcision is an acne scar treatment that works on only scars that are depressed; it addresses the cause of the skin depression and corrects it in order to reduce the appearance of the scarring.
Visit our site to know more about Subscision Treatment for Acne Scars in Abu Dhabi
The procedure is fairly simple. Individual scars are treated with a bitsy hypodermic needle that's fitted into the skin and moved around in a swaying pattern. This effectively cuts the fibrotic scar towel that tethers the scar to the underpinning towel. Once the towel is cut, that subcaste of your skin will no longer be pulled over, thereby treating the depressed shape of the scar.
After the procedure with the needle is completed, your skin will continue to heal as further collagen is produced in response to the procedure. After the treatment, the area may appear blown or bruised. Swelling typically subsides after 2- 3 days and bruising takes between 7 and 10 days to fade fully. Because the treatment is sonon-invasive, you'll be suitable to return to work or academy incontinently after and you're safe to drive yourself.
Is Subcision for Acne Scars Right for Me?
A discussion which procedure is right for you. There are numerous factors to consider with any ornamental treatment. Then are some pros and cons of subcision for acne scars
It works great for all skin types, no matter whether you have normal, dry, unctuous, or combination skin. It's also safe for all skin tones.
It'snon-invasive and takes lower recovery time than other ornamental procedures.
The results are endless. numerous people choose to have the procedure done constantly to treat different areas or to treat new scars, but the results don't wear off over time.
The procedure is safe andfast.However, you'll see immediate results and won't bear a follow- up appointment, If you only choose to treat one area.
The procedure does involve needles. While the needles are veritably small and won't beget great pain, you may not want to suffer subcision for acne scars if you have a fear of needles.
The procedure only works on depressed acne scars. Ideal campaigners have rolling scars or another kind of tethered acne scars. This treatment isn't effective for hypertrophic or keloid scars.
Whereas some treatments, like medical- grade chemical peels, will reduce your acne, wrinkles, and skin abrasion each in one go, this procedure is only effective at treating acnescars.
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